Well, it’s winter vacation time again, just a couple weeks earlier then last year. We only booked a few weeks before departure and this year we tossed around a whole pile of ideas on where to go. We thought about Vegas and Mexico, both places where we’ve never spent a night (followers from last year will recall we spent a day in Mexico during our cruise.) In the end though we decided on a relaxing week on the sunny shores of Nassau, in the Bahamas. Travelling here added a complication though, there was no way to get here from Saskatoon without travelling through the night or spending a night in Toronto.
We turned this complication to a benefit in the end with a visit to see Alix’s brother Aaron, his wife Julie and their daughter Lillie in Toronto. We flew Saturday, getting in before the snow and stayed till this morning when we could catch our flight down south. It was great to spend some time with our niece and get really well acquainted with the adventures of Brown Bear and friends. We also got a tour of their new home and took in some shopping at the Eaton Centre. Further, we can now say that we were there when Dundas Donna, Canada’s newest weather prognosticator first emerged from her bin and declared that winter will indeed end the day before the first day of spring. My video from that can be found on my Facebook and there’s also a video of it on the CityTV Toronto website (here and here) if you want to see my face covered by my new iPhone.
This morning we arrived in Nassau after a three hour flight from Toronto and managed to get to our hotel in fairly short order. We’re staying at the MeliĆ£ resort which was somewhat recently converted from a Sheraton and seems quite nice so far. No in-room WiFi but we brought a travel router to compensate for that and they also have coverage in the lobby and on the beach. Proof of the impact of the Internet can be seen by the number of people sitting with devices in the lobby whenever we walk by. So far the food and drink has been good (we got the all-inclusive package) and the weather is beautiful. Alix will have more details on the resort tomorrow.
Bye for now!