Hello from our final full day in Paris! In the morning we leave for the final leg of our journey in Amsterdam aboard a high speed train. Today though we had another full day of tourist type activities.
We started with a quick visit to a perfume museum which was an inclusion with our tour. It was a brief tour designed to lead us into buying a box full of fragrance, but it was still slightly interesting nonetheless. After that we headed for the Louvre near the river to see the glass pyramids, walk through the underground mall and check out a small portion of the art pieces on display. We braved the crowds for a glimpse and a few photos of the Mona Lisa before going downstairs to view the Venus de Milo.
After our visit to the Louvre we caught the coach and took a quick trip out of Paris for a tour of Versailles which at the time of its construction cost half of the annual France GDP. Home to King Louise the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth it’s an enormous palace surrounded by some equally enormous and beautiful gardens. It was an impressive, though very busy facility. After returning to the hotel Alix and I went across the street for some Wine, Cheese and supper.
After supper was our trip up the Eiffel Tower after the delay we had earlier this week. It’s very tall and for anyone who knows me well knows that I’m not a fan of heights. However, Alix is so we went to the very top of the third floor of the tower. While we didn’t pay €15 for a glass of champagne at the top we did have a good tour around taking pictures and seeing the sights from above. Later we took the elevator back down to the second floor where we looked through some souvenirs and had some hot chocolate. Alix then somehow got me to take the stairs with her down to the first floor where we again toured around the tower and learned about its construction in 1889. The first floor is currently under construction so some of that floor was unavailable tonight.
After all that excitement we made it back to the hotel for the end of another late night. In the morning we leave on the coach for the train station at 8:15 so I should get some sleep before morning sneaks up on me. Good night!