Tag Archives: lifeinaday

YouTube Life in a Day

Hey Y’all,

So if you haven’t heard yet July 24th, while also being the date of our nuptials, is the filming day for YouTube Life in a Day, a feature film produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin MacDonald.  We’re really excited by this sudden twist of fate and are planning to record the ceremony and reception speeches in HD to be posted here and to the “lifeinaday” channel shortly after the wedding.

We also want to encourage all of you to bring your videocameras to the wedding to record your own candid moments while at our big day.  While our on-site wi-fi network won’t be robust enough to upload video or audio, YouTube will be accepting submissions until July 30th so there should be time to upload once you get back home or to a hotel.

Only a week and change left!
