Our little girl is growing up! Hard to believe that a whole year has passed since Emma was born! It’s been a crazy busy year, and realized that we haven’t put up anything on the blog since then!
It’s amazing how much she has grown, and how much she is learning and developing every day! She likes to play with her toys (especially her Little People), read stories, play with Mom and Dad’s phones, has a big appetite and the cutest smile! She is a speedy crawler and is pulling up to standing more and more every day, won’t be long before she figures out the whole walking thing!
Emma has already been on two trips, one to Las Vegas in November 2014, tagging along on Daddy’s work retreat, and one to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in February 2015, her first family Vacation. She’s also been camping about 9 times, 6 in 2014 and 3 times in 2015 so far. Along with many trips back to Brandon to visit with family for holidays and over the summer. She’s a pretty good little traveler!
We are so happy to have such a sweet, happy baby who loves to smile and is genuinely content!
Emma had a great 1st Birthday party with family and friends, we want to thank everyone who came out for that! The weather was beautiful and it didn’t take much convincing for Emma to devoured her piece of cake!
Here’s a comparison of Emma to her Mom and Dad on their 1st Birthdays!
Thanks to our parents for digging out the old photos of us!
That’s all for now, hope to post again soon.