First off I’d like to thank everyone for the huge response shown since we started letting people know we’d become engaged. We both received several phone calls from friends and family along with some very kind messages through txt, e-mail, and facebook. My iPhone and Alix’s Blackberry (yea, it’s that kind of household) rang, beeped, and vibrated pretty much non-stop through the first several days. Further, in the first four days of our wedding blog we’ve had 51 people from 4 countries visit us 103 times (If you’re actually looking for the couple who had their wedding in Italy, click here.) We’re currently result 2 and 3 on Google so if you ever can’t remember the address, just give us a search.
Work is continuing as we try and hammer out a date but we don’t have anything yet. We were told that the four things we needed to comfortably have a date were a location, a minister, a caterer for the supper, and some form of entertainment for the reception. We currently have one of those, the rest are a work in progress. We should hopefully have something date-wise to announce within the next two weeks, although I will reveal that things are looking good for sometime next summer. We’re also hoping to have the wedding party stuff figured out by Christmas so we can have some more slaves helpers, but we haven’t quite gotten around to that yet.
The nice thing about having dated for 1,357 days is that we’d discussed and thought about several wedding details in advance of this week. That being said, there’s still a lot for Alix, um, us, to decide.
Bye for now!