Monthly Archives: July 2010


This week we finally got around to asking some family members to act as ushers at our wedding ceremony.  They are, in no particular order, Aaron Morningstar and Lyndon Morningstar from my side of the family and Riley Phillips from Alix’s side of the family.  If you’re attending the ceremony be sure to say hi to them!

A little more then a week till the big day.  Alix and I are leaving for Manitoba tomorrow with my sister Nicole.  Most of the wedding party is already in the province with Shawn and Kyle in Winnipeg, Devin and Amy in Portage, Jessica near Lake Winnipeg for a family reunion and Kristen in Brandon.  It won’t be till late next week that we’re finally all together for the first time but we’re certainly in touch regularly through the internet getting the last of the plans together.

The long term forecast is being somewhat unstable currently, as weather forecasts tend to be, with one day sun being forecast and then rain the next.  We’re hoping to start getting a more stable view early next week.  This weekend Alix and I will be arriving on site to provide some assistance to our parents who have been busy getting ready for the infrastructure build out next week as we’ll be adding tents, camp sites and networks to the farm along with fulfilling electrical, water and other requirements of the vendors we’ve contracted for various services.

Thirty-eight weeks have passed since our little blog was launched and now there’s only one more week till the wedding finally arrives.  The days are passing quickly!

See you soon,
